Vegan and Vegetarian – What is the Difference?

I am a student of English Letters Department at Universitas Ma Chung ( and this is my work

colorful fruit and vegetables


Vegan and vegetarian are two booming lifestyles in this era. Unfortunately, many people still do not understand very well about these two types of diets. When there are questions regarding these two diets emerge, the majority of people run into confusion distinguishing between vegans and vegetarians, even many of them presume the two diets are the same thing. Although it looks the same, in fact, these two diets have differences. Actually, understanding both of these diets is fairly easy. In general, the difference between vegans and vegetarians is vegans do not eat animal products, while vegetarians do not eat animals but still eat products derived from animals. However, Compared to vegetarian, a vegan diet is much more stringent. For further explanation regarding these two diets, I will explain it later in the next paragraphs. Regardless of their differences, both of these diets are a healthy lifestyle for adherents. Mostly, the reasons people choose between these two diets because of health, environment, religion, ethics, or care for animals. The reason why I chose this topic is I do really like discussing something related to health. Moreover, I come from a family adopted a vegetarian diet. In other words, I am one of many people who choose to become a vegetarian. In my family, some people adopt a vegan diet. People around me often presume vegans and vegetarians similar and I always try to clarify these misunderstandings conceptions. Some people around me find it difficult to distinguish between vegans and vegetarians because they do not follow that lifestyle. Although, Some people understand very well about these two diets, and some others understand the differences in general, but they do not know the details and even have less precise understanding. That is why these reasons motivate me to discuss this topic.


First of all, I will discuss vegetarianism. The vegetarian diet is reported to have existed since 700 BC. But the word vegetarian was only invented in 1839 and is used until now to describe plant-eating humans. We need to know, many famous figures also adopted the lifestyle of eating plants long before or after the term vegetarian was born, their names are certainly familiar to us, a few of them are Phytagoras (500-490 BC), Plato (428-348 BC), Confucius (551-479 BC), Saint Anthony of Egypt (He was a religious leader in the 3rd century and regarded as the originator of organized Christian monasticism), Leonardo da Vinci (1425-1519), Henry David Thoreau (1817- 1862), and Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948).

According to Vegetarian Society articles, a vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat, poultry, fish, seafood, insects, gelatin or animal rennet, stock or fat from animals, or other products from slaughtering animals. A vegetarian diet contains various levels of fruit, vegetables, grain, pulses, nuts, and seeds. The entry of dairy products, honey, and eggs depends on the type of diet adopted.

There are seven types of vegetarians, four of which are the most common types of vegetarian diets. I will mention, explain, as well as tell the benefits of each type of diet.

1. Lacto Vegetarian

Vegetarians who do not eat red or white meat, fish, poultry, or eggs, but they do consume dairy products such as cow’s milk, yogurt, and cheese. Lacto vegetarians are noted to save many animals every year. Moreover, lacto vegetarians also get health benefits because of the meatless diet, such as low blood pressure and the risk of certain diseases. However, they still consume cholesterol from dairy products.

2. Ovo Vegetarian

Vegetarians who avoid red meat, white meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products, but consume egg products. Just like lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians get many benefits from a meat-free lifestyle but still consume cholesterol from eggs.

3. Lacto-ovo Vegetarian

This type is a combination of lacto and ovo vegetarian, also the most common vegetarian lifestyle. Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not consume meat, fish, poultry, but still consume dairy products and eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarians still have better health than meat-eaters but have higher cholesterol levels than vegetarian lacto or ovo alone.

4. Vegan

Vegan is one of seven types of vegetarians. Vegans are vegetarians who avoid all kinds of animal and animal products. I will explain further in a special paragraph on veganism.

Three other types of vegetarians are pescatarian, pollotarian, and most recently, flexitarians. I will explain these three types separately from the previous four types because these three types of vegetarians have quite a big difference from the four other common vegetarian types.

1. Pescatarian

Pescatarians still eat certain meat, such as fish and seafood. Although a pescatarian is still far from a chronic health problem, consuming too much fish and seafood can make the body contaminated with excess pollutants and mercury. Pescatarian is considered successful in saving animals from factory farming.

2. Pollotarian or Pollo-vegetarian

This type is quite controversial. Pollotarian does not eat red meat and fish, but still consumes poultry meat. Many criticize that this lifestyle is no longer on the vegetarian path. Pollotarians have fewer heart problems than meat-eaters, just like pescatarians. However, speaking of saving animals, pollotarians arguably do not contribute to saving animals.

3. Flexitarian

This type is the latest vegetarian terminology. Flexitarians are people who generally consume vegetable products but sometimes consume meat products. Research shows that adopting a meat-free lifestyle at least one day a week can have significant health and environmental benefits and impacts.

Although sometimes considered vegetarians, pescatarians, pollotarians, and flexitarians still consume animals. That is why some people claimed that those types are not included in vegetarians. Therefore, they do not technically fall under the definition of vegetarianism.


Now let us talk about veganism. As I said before, vegan is included in one type of vegetarian. The vegan diet can be seen as the most strict form of vegetarianism. Vegetarians and vegans differ in their beliefs about the use of animals by humans. This is why some vegetarians can consume animal-derived products, whereas vegans cannot. 

Vegans do not consume all animal products. The vegan diet is very diverse and consists of all kinds of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, beans, and pulses. Veganism is more than a diet, it refers more to lifestyle.  The definition of veganism according to The Vegan Society is “way of living which seeks to exclude – as far as is possible and practicable – all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals, and the environment. In dietary terms, it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals”. Vegans strongly avoid the exploitation of animals for any purpose, with compassion being the main reason many people choose this diet lifestyle. This is the reason why many vegans refuse to spend money on clothing, beauty products, or entertainment that involves the exploitation of animals. Compared to other types of vegetarians, research shows that vegans certainly save more animals, around 200 animals per year due to their lifestyle. Statistics also show that vegans have better health than people who consume animal products. Heart failure and cancer deaths are very rarely experienced by vegans. Besides, being vegan also has a positive impact on the environment, such as reduce pollution, saving water, and much more.


Vegetarians and vegans generally consume almost the same level of nutrition. Research shows a vegetarian and vegan diet tends to be low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Both of these diets can be very healthy, and also contain a lot of nutrient-dense foods, but vegans and vegetarians need to pay attention to nutrition deficiencies. The following are some nutrients that should be considered according to British Nutrition Foundation.


1. Protein

Protein is needed for many important functions that make our body function properly. A common misconception is that those who don’t eat meat or fish will not consume enough protein. However, vegans and vegetarians usually get enough protein from their food.

Protein contains a substance called amino acids. Our bodies can make some of these amino acids, but others, known as ‘essential’ amino acids, are needed from food.

Consuming various sources of vegetable protein will help ensure that you get enough of all essential amino acids.

Good sources of protein:

– Eggs (vegetarians, not vegans).

– Pulses (such as chickpeas, kidney beans, soya beans, and lentils).

– Tofu or bean curd.

– Nuts (choose plain, unsalted, varieties).

2. Iron

Iron is very important for transporting oxygen throughout the body, brain function, and immune system. Premenopausal women (those who have monthly cycles) are more at risk of iron deficiency.

The iron found in plant foods (called non-hemic iron) is less easily absorbed in the body than iron from animal sources (known as iron hem). Vegetarians may have lower iron stores so it is important to include good sources of iron in food.

Good sources of iron:

– Pulses (lentils, beans, and peas).

– Green leafy vegetables (such as watercress and spinach).

– Seeded or brown bread.

– Dried fruits (such as apricots and figs).

– Nuts and seeds (such as cashews, almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds)

Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. For example, if you make vegetarian bean curry, add some paprika.

3. Calcium

Calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth and muscle and nerve function. For vegetarians, dairy foods, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, are good sources of calcium.

For vegans, They have to make sure to include foods and other calcium-containing drinks that include:

– Bread (bread made from flour that does not contain whole wheat, such as white bread).

– Some green leafy vegetables (like water spinach and watercress).

– Alternative calcium-fortified milk (such as soy and alternative drinks without soy, oats, rice, or beans).

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food to maintain bone health. We get most of our vitamin D through the action of sunlight on our skin during the summer months but fish and eggs are oily, cereals are enriched and spread also contain vitamin D.

But besides sunlight, good vegan sources of vitamin D:

– Vitamin D fortified fat spreads, breakfast cereals, and unsweetened soya drinks.

– Vitamin D supplements (Vitamin D2 and D3 are supplements that are consumed for vegans).

5. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is needed to prevent anemia, and because it is only found naturally in animal products, vegans, in particular, might want to consider vitamin supplements or foods that are enriched with nutrients.

Good vegan sources of vitamin B12:

– Vitamin B12 fortified yeast extract.

– Vitamin B12 fortified breakfast cereals (with added vitamin B12).

– Vitamin B12 fortified dairy-free alternatives (such as soya, oat, and nut dairy-free alternative drinks or vegan spreads).

However, unplanned diets can cause low nutritional intake and it is not good for our body. That is why well planned vegetarian and vegan diets can be nutritious and healthy.



After knowing the differences between the two diets clearly, often people ask which one is healthier? Both diets provide similar health benefits and generally encourage people to eat more antioxidant-rich and nutrient-dense foods. Vegans and vegetarians have advantages and disadvantages. For instance, avoiding milk and eggs can help vegans maintain their cholesterol levels but on the other hand, lacto vegetarians get calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D from dairy products. Therefore, it is difficult to say which diet is healthier.

According to a report from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and some scientific reviews, vegetarian and vegan diets can be considered suitable for all stages of life, as long as the diet is well planned. Both vegetarians and vegans may have lower nutritional intake. However, research shows that vegetarians tend to consume slightly more calcium and vitamin B12 than vegans. Besides, vegetarians and vegans should consider the daily nutritional intake they consume, measure their blood nutrient levels, and take appropriate supplements.

Several studies directly compare the two diets and report that rather than vegetarians, vegans may have a somewhat lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and various other types of cancer. In general, a vegan diet may be better than a vegetarian diet because it reduces the risk of certain diseases. However, if not properly planned, a vegan diet is also more likely to cause malnutrition. But we need to know that following and doing a plant-based diet does not guarantee good health. It is still possible for vegans and vegetarians to lead unhealthy lifestyles.


In conclusion, vegetarians and vegans avoid consuming animal products for the same reason. As explained earlier, there are several types of vegetarians, vegans are one of them, and are the strictest of the vegetarian spectrum.

In terms of ethics, vegetarians oppose killing animals for food but consider it appropriate to consume animal by-products such as dairy products and eggs, as long as the animals are kept inadequate conditions. On the other hand, vegans believe that animals have the right to be free from human use, whether for food, clothing, science, or entertainment. The desire to avoid all forms of animal exploitation is why vegans choose not to consume dairy products, and eggs anymore.

Both of these diets can be considered safe for all stages of life but both also have advantages and disadvantages. A vegan diet might provide additional health benefits if people do it correctly. However, it is important for vegetarians and vegans to plan their diets well to avoid long-term health problems. Because if both of these diets are done in the wrong way it will also make our body unhealthy.


Definition of veganism. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2020, from The Vegan Society website:

Eske, J. (n.d.). What is the difference between veganism and vegetarianism? Medical News Today. Retrieved from

Lap Tai Le, J. S. (2014). Beyond Meatless, the Health Effects of Vegan Diets: Findings from the Adventist Cohorts. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from NCBI website:

Lifestyle, T. W. M. H.-N. (2018). What’s the Difference Between Vegan, Vegetarian, Plant-Based and Nutritarian? Retrieved April 6, 2020, from Youtube website:

Petre, A. (2016). Vegan vs Vegetarian – What’s The Difference? Retrieved April 6, 2020, from healthline website:

Sheridan, A. (2018). Veganism: why it’s not just a diet, more a way of life. Retrieved April 6, 2020, from Style website:

Vegan, B. S. (2014). Vegan Vs Vegetarian ft. Gary Yourofsky. Retrieved April 6, 2020, from Youtube website:

What is a Vegetarian? (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2020, from Vegetarian Society website:

Clarissa Gisela Frederick – 211810008

Report Writing: Final Draft

Lecturer: FX. Dono Sunardi, M.A.

Coronavirus Impact

I am a student of English Letters Department

at Universitas Ma Chung (

and this is my work.

Hi people! I hope you all are doing good.


Coronavirus is certainly familiar to us. Coronavirus disease known as COVID-19, it’s an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness, like the flu, with symptoms such as a cough, fever, difficulty breathing, acute pneumonia to death. Until now, more and more people have tested positive and many have reportedly died.

There are lots of impacts caused by this virus. In this article, I want to explain the impact of COVID-19 in various fields.

  • A country decreed a lockdown.
  • Production stopped and caused trade lagged.
  • Activities are restricted, that’s why people have to stay at home.
  • To cut the deficit, several companies applied unemployment.
  • No income, no economic activity.
  • The country loses investment, oil price fluctuates, the stock market plunge.


The government has to rearrange priorities, reallocate budgets, and make regulations to lower the toll and sustain economic growth at the same time.


Because of COVID-19, our interaction reduced, and hoaxes increased. We also have to do “Social Distancing”, it means no school, no office day, no going out at all. In this case, it’s very unfortunate because there are still many people don’t understand or even care about how dangerous this virus is. Therefore, they are disregarding the rules and violating them. Although many people don’t like social distancing or work from home, it’s important to realize that this activity makes air pollution decrease rapidly.

In dealing with this situation let’s pray for one another and be wise in doing everything. Maybe we all feel bored, annoyed, don’t like it, or something else. But I do believe this situation will improve soon.

Last but not least, I just want to let you know, there’s one important thing we must instill in our minds, “Don’t endanger yourself let alone others.”

Don’t be panic and stay safe, people! ^^

Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han- Book Review

“Heed my advice, Lara Jean. Never say no when you really want to say yes
Photo Source : Latisha Roth –

Always and Forever, Lara Jean is written by Jenny Han, who was born on September 3, 1980. She is an American author of young adult fiction such as the Summer I Turned Pretty series; Shug; the Burn for Burn trilogy, cowritten with Siobhan Vivian; To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, and P.S. I Still Love You. Jenny Han also the author of children’s fiction. She got her MFA in creative writing at the New School.

Lara Jean Song Covey turns to 18, she is getting ready to graduate from high school, and thinking about college. She wants to go to her hometown university and she really wants to go to University of Virginia (UVA) in Charlottesville. Most of the drama in this novel centers on Lara Jean college plans and how her relationship with Peter Kavinsky. Peter got a scholarship from the lacrosse team of UVA, so he has been accepted early. Sadly, Lara Jean has been rejected and University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, makes Lara Jean as wait-listed student. It makes Lara Jean loses her hope about college, but she is accepted in William & Mary (W&M) and decides to attend school there. Peter suggests that he can visits Lara Jean every weekend and after Lara Jean’s first year she can transfer to UVA. Lara Jean starts to consider it her primary goal. Besides that, she is also still influenced by her mom’s advice, who died years before. Her mom had always told her, “Don’t be the girl who goes to college with a boyfriend.” Surprisingly, UNC accepts Lara Jean. Lara Jean loves UNC and she decides to school there, even though it’s even further away than W&M. All of people are happy to hear her great news, except for her boyfriend.

In this novel, her dad decides to marry Trina Rothschild (their neighbor). At Ms. Rothschild’s bachelorette party, for the first time, Lara Jean gets drunk and she breaks up with Peter. It hurts for Peter and when Lara Jean sobers up, she is devastated. Ms. Rothschild talks to Lara Jean to reconsider and at her dad’s wedding, Lara Jean tells Peter that she regrets what she did because she loves him that much, and she wants to continue their relationship. Without knowing what will happen in the future, both of them decide to stay together.

At the end of this novel, there are some happy endings and some parts that are not resolved. There have been big changes in Lara Jean’s family. But as she muses, “Families shrink and expand. All you can do is be glad for it, glad for each other, for as long as you have each other.” —Jenny Han, Always and Forever, Lara Jean. Whatever the future brings, we know that Lara Jean will always come out of any situation upbeat, finding the bright side, making the best of everything, and being Always and Forever, Lara Jean. Said “Rhapsody in Books Weblog” (January, 2018)

This book is worth to read with 4.5/5 star rating. This is a happy and interesting series that will be attractive to younger teens, with themes of first love, family dynamics, the challenges of growing up, and how to handle relationships, to which many readers will be able to relate.

I personally really love this novel. It’s such a great conclusion to this series, and it was just a great way to wrap up this story. I think what I enjoyed most about this novel was that we got to see how much the characters have progressed. The main character, Lara Jean, in the first series she was a bit shy, still a kid, and introverted. But throughout this trilogy, we have got to see that Lara Jean is growing as a good person and turn into this good young lady. She has learned to open herself up and let people in. But the most important thing is, she has finally allowed herself to be happy. She has finally put herself first. Everything felt nice and finished.

To be honest, this novel was predictable but it was also incredible, and I loved every word in this story. ” Heed my advice, Lara Jean. Never say no when you really want to say yes.”

Favorite quote: “Heed my advice, Lara Jean. Never say no when you really want to say yes.”

“Relasi Manusia dan Tuhan dengan Menggambarkan Fenomena Sosial atas Nilai-Nilai Seperti Inklufisme dan Kehidupan Sosial di Dalam Kehidupan Berbangsa”

Clarissa Gisela Frederick / Sastra Inggris / 211810008


Indonesia terkenal sebagai negara dengan keberagaman di segala hal, mulai dari suku bangsa, Bahasa, dan agama. Salah satu keragaman yang banyak mendapat pujian adalah keragaman agama di Indonesia yang setiap pemeluknya, baik agama Islam, Budha, Hindu, Kristen katolik , Kristen protestan, dan juga Kong Hu Chu bisa hidup berdampingan dalam toleransi. Hal ini patut dipertahankan bersama.

Pada hari Selasa, 29 Mei 2018, 13:36 WIB, detiknews melaporkan bahwa, “Perayaan Waisak di lereng Merbabu, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang, berlangsung khidmat, dimana setelah usai umat Buddha saling bersalam-salaman dengan sesama umat di vihara, kemudian keluar berjajar di jalan kampung depan vihara untuk bersalaman dengan umat Muslim dan Nasrani.”

Namun di sisi lainnya, BBC Indonesia, 11 Februari 2018 melaporkan adanya tindakan intoleransi beribadah di Yogjakarta, berupa serangan di gereja Yogjakarta. Selanjutnya tercatat pula 21 kasus serupa di tahun 2014, tahun 2015 tercatat 10 peristiwa dan 2016 tercatat 23 kasus di Yogjakarta.

Dua peristiwa yang bertolak belakang ini tidak terlepas dari tingkat pemahaman akan makna Inklusivisme beragama dan kesalehan sosial, yang mana peranan lembaga pendidikan diberbagai jenjang dan peran serta para tokoh pemuka agama, partai politik, dan tokoh masyarakat di berbagai daerah Indonesia sangat diperlukan dalam memberikan wawasan nasional dan motivasi menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI.


Kita mulai melihat apa makna dari Inklusivisme, menurut Jaiz dalam artikelnya di nahimunkar menyatakan bahwa, “Inklusivisme itu menegaskan, kebenaran setiap agama harus terbuka. Tidak menutup kemungkinan ada kebenaran pada agama lain yang tidak kita anut, dan sebaliknya terdapat  kekeliruan pada agama yang kita anut. Tetapi, paradigma ini tetap tidak kedap kritik. Oleh paradigma pluralis, ia dianggap membaca agama lain dengan kacamata agamanya sendiri.”

Sedangkan paradigma plural (pluralisme) menegaskan bahwa setiap agama adalah jalan keselamatan. Perbedaan agama satu dengan yang lain, hanyalah masalah teknis, tidak prinsipil. Pandangan Plural ini tidak hanya berhenti pada sikap terbuka, melainkan juga sikap paralelisme. Yaitu sikap yang memandang semua agama sebagai jalan-jalan yang sejajar. Dengan itu, klaim kristianitas bahwa ia adalah satu-satunya jalan (paradigma eksklusif) atau yang melengkapi jalan yang lain (paradigma inklusif) harus ditolak demi alasan-alasan teologis dan fenomenologis (Rahman: 1996).

Kita dapat membandingkan dengan apa yang dinyatakan oleh Race (1983), bahwa Inklusivisme adalah sikap atau pandangan yang melihat bahwa agama-agama lain di luar kekristenan juga dikaruniakan rahmat dari Allah dan bisa diselamatkan, namun pemenuhan keselamatan hanya ada di dalam Yesus Kristus. Pinnock menambahkan bahwa,”kami mengakui bahwa tidak ada nama lain dari pada nama Yesus yang memiliki makna yang bersifat universal serta dapat memberikan hidup dan pengharapan kepada semua bangsa, dan juga menegaskan  kehadiran keselamatan Allah dalam dunia yang lebih luas dan di dalam agama-agama lain. Dengan demikian kelompok inklusif percaya bahwa anugerah Allah bekerja dengan cara tertentu di dalam semua orang.”

Secara Kristiani beberapa ayat dalam Alkitab juga mendukung akan paham Inklusivisme dan kesalehan sosial antara lain :

Mazmur 133:1,”Nyanyian ziarah Daud. Sungguh, alangkah baiknya dan indahnya, apabila saudara-saudara diam bersama dengan rukun. Jelas memotivasi iman Kristiani untuk memiliki rasa peduli, empati kepada sesama manusia dan masyarakat sosial, tanpa mengabaikan keimanan kepada Tuhan Pencipta dan Penyelamat dunia.

Lukas 9:49, 50 Yohanes berkata:”Guru, kami lihat seorang mengusir setan demi nama-Mu, lalu kami cegah orang itu, karena ia bukan pengikut kita.” Yesus berkata kepadanya,”Jangan kamu cegah, sebab barangsiapa tidak melawan kamu, ia ada di pihak kamu.” Demikian Yesus Kristus menghargai sesama manusia meskipun bukan pengikutnya.

Roma 15:5 menguatkan bahwa, “Semoga Allah, yang adalah sumber ketekunan dan penghiburan, mengaruniakan kerukunan kepada kamu, sesuai dengan kehendak Kristus Yesus.” Firman ini menegaskan bahwa umat Kristiani patut menunjung tinggi kerukunan sosial sebagai bukti umat Tuhan yang baik dan benar, seperti Yesus Kristus semasa hidupnya di dunia ini selalu menjaga kerukunan sosial dan menghargai berbagai perbedaan di masyarakat zaman itu.

Roma 13:1, 2 menegaskan bahwa,”Tiap-tiap orang harus takluk kepada pemerintah yang di atasnya, sebab tidak ada pemerintah, yang tidak berasal dari Allah; dan pemerintah-pemerintah yang ada, ditetapkan oleh Allah.  Sebab itu barangsiapa melawan pemerintah, ia melawan ketetapan Allah dan siapa yang melakukannya, akan mendatangkan hukuman atas dirinya.” Pemerintah Indonesia selalu mendengungkan sikap toleransi dan menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI di tengah-tengah multi sara, tentunya Firman ini sejalan dengan visi misi Pancasila dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, dimana segenap umat Kristiani wajib melaksanakannya, agar Surga dapat dunia sempat.

Secara politik, Rektor Univesitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Gus Solah menyatakan bahwa saat ini ayat-ayat kitab suci banyak disalahgunakan hanya untuk kepentingan kekuasaan. Kita tidak ingin agama itu disalahgunakan, tapi kita juga tidak ingin agama dipinggirkan, padahal dia memiliki banyak sisi yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk kemajuan bangsa. Dalam hal ini, kembali ditekankan bahwa paham Inklusivisme patut disikapi secara arif dan murni, dengan kata lain sikap tolenransi beragama ini jangan sampai dipolitisir oleh kelompok tertentu untuk melakukan tindakan intoleransi atau sampai kepada penyerangan kepada kelompok agama minoritas.

Selanjutnya paham Inklusivisme yang tidak disikapi secara benar dan arif seperti menjadi sarana profokasi bagi kepentingan kelompok atau golongan tertentu, contohnya tindakan perusakan rumah ibadah kelompok agama lain, sudah tentu akan berdampak secara ekonomi yang akan menyebabkan kerugian banyak pihak.  Selanjutnya secara global akan menurunkan tingkat kepercayaan para investor asing untuk menanamkan modal di Indonesia, dan juga berdampak kepada bursa saham tertentu.

Dari segi sosial budaya, paham Inklusivisme secara arif dapat mendukung pribadi atau umat untuk meningkatkan sikap toleransi beragama dan memotivasi peningkatan kesalehan sosial dengan sikap menghargai perbedaan dan saling mencintai sesama manusia makhluk ciptaan Tuhan.

Sebagian masyarakat Hindu Plumbon Inklusivisme dipahami sebagai jalan kebajikan yang harus menjadi dasar agama dalam situasi apapun, dan menyadari bahwa semua jerih payah manusia akan berakhir pada satu tujuan yang sama, yaitu menuju Tuhan YME. Sesungguhnya ajaran semua agama yang ada dan berkembang dimuka bumi ini, bertitik tolak pada kepercayaan kepada Tuhan kita Yang Maha Kuasa. Adanya kejadian dan keajaiban di dunia ini, menyebabkan kepercayaan itu semakin mantap. Semuanya itu pasti ada sebab akibatnya, yang kemudian berakhir pada Tuhan YME.

Karena banyaknya kesalahpahaman antar agama, pembunuhan atas nama Tuhan sering terjadi di negeri ini. seharusnya nilai-nilai keterbukaan atau Inklusivisme dan penghargaan atas hak-hak kemanusiaan atau humanitas dijunjung tinggi.


Paham Inklusivisme adalah paham yang menjunjung tinggi kebenaran iman pribadi seseorang tanpa mengabaikan sikap toleransi dan menghargai kepercayaan agama lainnya.

Paham Inklusivisme yang diamalkan secara bijaksana berdampak positif dalam menjaga keutuhan persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI.

Diperlukan dukungan para pemuka agama, politik dan masyarakat untuk menyikapi paham Inklusivisme secara benar dan holistik.



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